


Frequently Asked Questions

…about lessons

…about licences and the tests 

…about Pass Plus



Q         Do I need any experience of driving before my first lesson?

A          No.  However, some knowledge of the Highway Code is helpful, though not essential, in terms of recognising road signs and the basic rules of the road.


Q         How long will it take me to learn to drive and pass the test?

A          The average number of hours is about 1.5 times your age. So for a 17 year old the average will be about 25-30 hours.  For a 30 year old about 45 hours etc.  These times are only a rough guide, some people take more some less, it just depends on individual aptitude.  The quicker you put the hours in the quicker you will be ready to take the test.


Q         Do I get anything for introducing new pupils?

A          Yes.  If a pupil introduces a new pupil to their instructor they will receive a free 1 hour lesson.


Q         Can I use my own car to practice?

A          Yes you can, provided you are accompanied by a qualified driver over 21 years of age who has held a full licence for at least 4 years.  However, for the sake of the nerves of your supervising driver and other road users,  you are strongly advised to wait until your instructor feels you are sufficiently competent to practice in a car without dual controls before attempting this!


Q         How long is a lesson?                                                             Back to top

A          For a novice driver in the early stages lessons are normally 2 hours long but this can reduce to 1½ or 1 hour depending on the rate of progress and the preferences of the pupil.  A 1½ or 2 hour lesson allows more varied routes to be driven and the “starting recap” and “ending debrief” taking up a smaller proportion of the total learning time than with a 1 hour lesson.  


Q         Do my lessons have to start and finish  from a fixed location?

A          No they don’t.  Pick-up and drop-off can be arranged for anywhere within the area normally covered by your instructor.  See the Map for the normal area covered.


Q         What if I cancel a lesson?

A          Cancellations are charged as follows:-

      • within 24 hours the full cost is charged.

      • within 48 hours 50% of the cost is charged.

      • more than 48 hours notice no charge is made.


Q         Will my Instructor follow a set syllabus?

A          Yes he will.  The rate of progress of the pupil will dictate how quickly the syllabus is completed.  The order of subjects is at the discretion of the instructor who will tailor this for the pupil and road situations that arise.

Q         How do I know if I am progressing?                                              Back to top

A          Your instructor keeps a progress record sheet on each pupil.  He will be happy to share yours with you so you can see how you are getting on.


Q         How much do you charge for the Practical test?

A          The test is priced as the cost of  2 hours at the current rate. This includes a 1 hour lesson before the test itself, use of the car during the test and travel to a local destination of choice after the test.  (Champagne on passing is not supplied!)    


 Licences and the tests


Q         When can I apply for my Provisional licence?

A          You can apply for your provisional licence before your 17th birthday but the licence will not be valid until that date.


Q         What is the theory test?

A          There are 2 parts to the test. Part 1 - you must achieve 43 correct answers from 50 multiple choice questions relating to the law, rules of the road and basic car maintenance. Part 2 - you are shown 14 video clips of road scenes, viewed from the driving seat, during which the computer mouse is clicked as hazards are identified. To pass Part 2 you must score 44 out of a possible 75 marks. If you fail either part the whole test must be retaken.


Q         How do I prepare for the theory test?

A          Books and CDs are available to help with both parts.  The CD set Driving Test Success is recommended provided you have access to a computer.  The DSA supply a number of good books and CDs for this purpose. (The hazard perception part of the test cannot be practised without a computer.)


            Alternatively subscribe to which is an online computer based training aid for those with broadband access to the internet.


Q         Where can I obtain these books and CDs?                                        Back to top

A          They can be ordered online from Amazon or a number of retail outlets. (eg Woolworths, Halfords etc)


Q         Can I take my theory test before my 17th birthday?

A          No you can’t but you can prepare for and book your theory test in advance to be taken on your birthday if you wish.


Q         Do I have to pass the theory test before I start my lessons?

A          No you don’t but you must pass the theory test before you can book your practical test so it is a good idea to pass the theory test well before you are ready for the practical test.


Q         How do I book my theory and/or practical tests?

A          Go to "Links & Nos" for telephone numbers and/or the DSA website link.


Q         How do I know when I am ready to take the practical test?

A          Your instructor will advise you about 6 weeks ahead of the time he feels you will be ready to take the practical test.  However if progress tails off, or he feels you are not ready as the date gets closer, then he may recommend that the test be postponed to a later date.  Provided the DSA are given 3 working days notice of cancellation there will be no loss of fee.


Q         Why postpone? Why not just have a go?                                          Back to top

A          Your instructor has a responsibility to the examiners to only present pupils for test he feels are safe and competent to attempt the practical test.  If an instructor regularly presents poorly prepared potentially dangerous candidates the DSA will retest the instructors ability to teach and, in extreme cases, may opt to remove the instructor from the Approved Driving Instructors register.  For these reasons your instructor cannot allow pupils to "just have a go!" before he believes they are ready.     


Q         Where can I take the practical test?

A          Normally the practical test is taken at the centre nearest your home but Weybridge, Tolworth or Morden are all acceptable for the standard charge. You can take the practical test at any test centre in the UK, however tests booked at distant test centres involving your instructor and his car will be priced according to distance and travel time.


Q         What do I have to do in the practical test?

A          Your examiner will take you on a route of varied classes of roads and road situations lasting about 35-40 minutes. During the drive you will be asked to carry out 2 of the standard manoeuvres and sometimes an emergency stop. He/she is looking for a good standard of safe driving that indicates you can drive on your own without endangering yourself or other road Users. The examiner marks your performance in terms of major and minor faults. You can make up to 15 minor faults but no major faults. A minor fault is one that is unlikely to lead to an accident (eg using the wrong gear for the speed of the car). A major fault has the potential to be dangerous and lead to an accident. (eg cutting the corner on a right hand turn.)


Q         What are the “show me tell me” questions?

A          These are a set of fixed questions concerning basic car safety and maintenance which will be provided to you by your instructor. The examiner asks two questions at the start of the test – one “show me” and one “tell me”. An incorrect answer to either or both questions results in one minor fault. 


Q         Will I fail if I stall the car?                                                     Back to top

A          You will not fail for stalling the car provided the stall does not leave you in a dangerous position (eg half-way out of a turning into a main road) and you restart the engine and drive on as appropriate to the situation in the safe manner taught to you by your instructor.


Q         Can someone come with me on the test?

A          Yes they can, either your instructor or a friend or relative, provided you make the request to the examiner at the very start of the test, normally while still in the waiting room.


Q         Do I have to use the driving school car for the test?

A          No you don’t.  The car you use must be a hatchback, estate or saloon car with a suitable passenger seat with seatbelt for the examiner.  You must supply an additional interior rear view mirror for the examiner to use.


Q         Is there anything I should know if I choose to use my own car?

A          Provided the car is roadworthy, taxed, legal for the road and insured for the test candidate there is no problem.  Damage to tyres (insufficient tread depth or cuts and bulges) or any failed light-bulb (headlight, brake light, reverse light etc) may result in the examiner refusing to take the car out and thereby cancelling the test with loss of fee.  In addition if that model of car has been the subject of a manufacturers recall then documentary proof that the rectification work has been carried out is required before the test can take place.  The examiner does not have to be insured to drive the car.


Q         How does a manual or automatic gearbox affect the test?

A          If you pass in a manual car then you are licensed to drive cars with a manual or automatic gearbox. If the car is automatic you are only licensed for cars with an automatic gearbox.


Q         What is the waiting time for the theory and practical tests.                     Back to top

A          It varies from test centre to test centre. Generally it is about 4 weeks for the theory test and 6 weeks for the practical test.  You can apply for cancellation dates if you want an earlier test but these appointments cannot be deferred if you decide you are not quite ready as test day approaches.


Q         If I fail how quickly can I retake the test?

A          You can reapply immediately but your new test date must be at least 10 working days after the day of the test you failed.



Pass Plus

For more information go to the Pass Plus website from the "Links" page.


Q         What is Pass Plus?

A          Pass Plus is a course of 6 lessons (see "Prices"), taken after passing the practical test providing additional driving instruction relating to:-

·         Rural roads

·         Motorways

·         Dual carriageways

·         Town and city roads

·         All weather conditions

·         Night driving


Great News For Pass Plus in London. The London Road Safety Unit have launched a Pass Plus London initiative, they offer a £70.00 refund to drivers in the 17 - 25 age range who complete the scheme. To qualify for the refund and to register for the scheme the candidate must be in the 17 - 25 age range, must live within a London Borough and must have passed their car test within the last 12 months. For contact details see "Links & Nos".


Q         Do I have to pass another test for Pass Plus?                                    Back to top

A          No, you receive a signed certificate from your instructor having completed the course satisfactorily.


Q         How does taking the Pass Plus course help me?

A          Statistics show that taking the Pass Plus course significantly reduces the risk of accident for new drivers in the critical first few months of unsupervised driving. 


            In addition Pass Plus is recognised by a number of insurance companies as being of benefit to the new drivers experience thereby reducing the risk of accident in the first months of driving. As an incentive to take this additional training they provide an introductory no claim bonus which generally covers the cost of the course. This, added to improving your own safety, makes Pass Plus a good thing to do.